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Acts ila kofal yengang kowe yar Apostel kowe ngo tabol chog Ebangelium we tafayel Luke. Mala palengel fael babior le ila ye kapta igeger mokwe metamwol choluwal Jesus irel yael Espritu Santus hakkelar re sala hapallingiloh Hapatpat Momay we kofal Jesus “woal Jerusalem, mo wol pangal loh Judea mo Samaria, mo pangal loh balel faileng le” (1:8). Iye mele kaptal yar Kristiano yengang le ye chaep mo luwulur Jews yesa pallengloh ye sala mel bo yar yarmetal balel faileng le tugulul ladep. Yeramtala ye tefa babior le ila ye wol luluwaley le yebe kewar ngalir rechokla rebe yawli babior le, le Kristiano ila te ir sibis yarmat le re kekapaliyel ngal mala Amal Roma. Ngo tugulul ladep le yar Kristiano mele ye hayho promise we yael Deus ngalir Jews.
Acts ila be suluw momol mo iyang le yebe kaweraloh lepal palengel lobokla rela foloyu Hapatpat Momay le kofal Jesus mo iyang, iwe ye sala subdoh Eklesia le yal mo iyang. Momol le suluw ila: (1) Chapildah yengang kowe yar Kristiano mo wol Jerusalem wol miril yodwe sa loh Jesus woal laeng; (2) kofal yar yengang le sa palengloh wol sew mo sew haplom mo wol Palestine; iwe ngo (3) ila kofal yal sa pallengloh tot yar yengang wol sew mo sew fulu kowe ye langba taed we Mediterranean sa loh yee, la hola Roma.
Sew mekla ye paleng fal le ye mel irel Acts ila yengang kala yael Espritu Santus. Espritu Santus ye budoh luwul mala kkelal uwor cho tugul kowe wol Jerusalem wol molwe Bungul Pentecost, iwe ngo yesa taboloh chog yal hatarma ngo ye hakkela Eklesia mo rechokla re mel bo metal Eklesia irel pangal mokwe ye weldoh we ye teftaf lal babior le. Foloy kala yar Kristiano kala re hamodoh ila ye mel mekla palpal irel yael semal mo semal ir foloy, iwe ngo ye wol mel irel mokwe ye weldoh we ye teftaf lal Acts. Pangal meka ngo ye kawraloh kkelel foloy le mo uwor rechokwe ye tugul lal deper irel yal sa sew chog Eklesia.
Palpal Meka Yadol Babior Le
Hafelfelel yar be mel bo yael Jesus tugul 1:1–26
a. Hartal yalol Jesus mo promise we yal ngalir 1:1–14
b. Molwe liwlil Judas 1:15–26
Yar mel bo yael Jesus Tugul mo woal Jerusalem 2:1—8:3
Yar mel bo yael Jesus tugul mo woal Judea mo Samaria 8:4—12:25
Yengang kowe yael Paulus 13:1—28:31
a. Metamol malekah we yael Paulus bela foloy 13:1—14:28
b. Ttey we wol Jerusalem 15:1–35
c. Harwowel malekah we yael Paulus bela foloy 15:36—18:22
d. Hasuluwel malekah we yael Paulus bela foloay 18:23—21:16
e. Paulus ye kalbus mo woal Jerusalem, mo woal Caesarea, mo woal Roma 21:17—28:31

Ila Kofael Yengang Kowe Yar Apostel

1 Ssarol Wom Ho Theophilus:

Irel metamol babior we yai ngo itefa kaptal pangal mokwe Jesus ye foru ngo ye foloyu irel yodwe ye chap yal yengang yee, la hola yodwe[~1~] 2 ye bidah woal laeng iyang. Imol yodwe ye bele bidah wol laeng ngo yesa foloyur mal kowe yesa duwler bo lol apostel le ye foloyur irel mala kkamelal Espritu Santus. 3 Fayeg ral mo wol miril yodwe ye mes iyang ngo ye cholop yal ma llah ngalir, le ye holngol hatosiya ngalir le iy yesa molow tefael mo irel maes. Resa wiri ngal meter ngo iy ye kekapta ngalir kofal mala Lamliyel Deus. 4 Yodwe rela rol ttey fengal ngo yesa sor yalol le iye mele ye kangalur: “Ha towe chuy tang Jerusalem bo habe widi chog kkefang we isa kangalugmi kofal. Ila kkefang we mala Temay yesa hatugulu bo yebe fang.[~2~] 5 Johannes ye baptismus yarmat irel chael, iwe ngo saaf e fedbong ngo hami ha bele rol baptismus irel Espritu Santus.”[~3~]
Jesus Le Ye Bidah Woal Laeng

6 Yodwe apostel kowe re ttey ngal Jesus ngo resa kasiya bo, “Samol, igala mele ho bele hatefali ngalir re Israel molwe lamliyer?”

7 Jesus yesa kangalur bo, “Te hami mele habe gola yodla iy, bo yodla iy mo ralla iy ila yusuwel chog mala Temay. 8 Halachog ila bela bidiy Espritu Santus uwomi ngo bele yor kkelmi, ngo ha bele mel bo yai tugul mo woal Jerusalem, mo woal pangal loh Judea mo Samaria, mo pangal balel faileng le.”[~4~] 9 Wol miril yal sor mele ngo yesa llangdah mo imor yesa bidah woal laeng ngo ir re kekamahoy yee, sedep darmiy yela pilta loh.[~5~]

10 Re chil kekaldah wol laeng irel yodwe yesa ligdir, ngo sa su loh rumal mal mo lengcher le re mengag irel mokwe ye bbech, 11 ngo resa sor bo, “Mall Galilee kala, meda mele hasa rol su hasa kakaledah chog woal laeng iyang? Jesus we sa lugdugmi yesa bidah woal laeng ila yebe tefaeldoh, le be wochog yami wiri igla irel yal bidah woal laeng.”

Molwe Liwilil Judas

12 Iwe apostel kowe resa tefael loh Jerusalem le re budoh mo irel molwe Tayitel Olives, we be setab mile ddawal tang haplom we. 13 Rela bulong wol haplom we resa bidah irel singil we re memel iyang: Ir Pedrus mo John mo James mo Andrew mo Philip mo Thomas mo Bartholomew mo Matthew mo James we lol Alphaeus, mo Simon we semal Patriot mo Judas we lol James.[~6~] 14 Rema toa ttey fengal rebe mapel, le ir mo mokwe wol bisil Jesus mo Maria we sil mo tot fefel.

15 Fedral mo wol miril ngo resa ttey fengal chotugul kowe, le malbo rebe subguy mo riyeg leper pangerloh, ngo Pedrus yesa sudah bo yebe maliliy ngalir. 16 Yesa sor bo, “Re wol bisiy, yebe llah le ye katos mokwe babior we ye santus we ye sor bo Espritu Santus ye kangalgich mo irel yael David kapta kofal Judas we ye palirdoh rechokwe re ddorfi Jesus. 17 Judas iwe semal choluwach, we Jesus ye duwley bo chilach irel yengang.”

18 (Judas ye chuwayi sedep bugat mo irel salpiy we ye yoh ngali irel molwe ye foru we ye tayikof; ila lobowe yela mes mo iyang. Ye ppungdiy sala tar molwe siyal, sala tappolwey mokwe yadol siyal.[~7~] 19 Panger rechokwe re mel wol Jerusalem ngo re rongrong kaptal, iwe resa hadeda bugat la irel yalol faluyer le re sor bo bugtal Akeldama, le fael mele ila, “Bugtael Ccha.”)

20 “Bo ye teftaf lal molwe babiorol Psalm we ye sor bo, ‘Imw la imwal ila yebe poel chog; tor semal le yebe mel iyang.’ Ngo ye wol teftaf we ye sor bo, ‘Ligdi bo semal yebe yusuwiliy mo irel yengang la yal.’[~8~]

21-22 “Ila semal yebe chilagich irel yach mel bo tugulul yael Samol Jesus molow tefael mo irel maes. Be semal mal kowe ye mel irech irel pangal loh yod kowe gich si dabe fedaley Samol Jesus irel malekah iyang. Ye chap mo irel yodwe Johannes ye foloyu kofal baptismus yee, la hola yodwe Jesus ye chuy tang gich sa bidah wol laeng.”[~9~]

23 Iwe resa duwley rumal mal: Matthias mo Joseph, we rema ffesangu bo Barsabbas (ngo wol sew idal ila Justus). 24 Iwe ngo resa rol mepel le re sor bo, “Samol, ho gola yar panger yarmat luluwal. Kewar ngalugmem semal mo irer chole rumal le hasa duwler, 25 bo yebe mel bo semal apostel yebe liwli Judas we yesa chuy sa loh lobola faesul liliyal.” 26 Iwe ngo resa hattugul uwor mal kowe rumal, ngo Matthias mele re hatugulu, iwe yesa chilar apostel kowe seg mo semal.

ACTS 2 ->