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The New Testament in Portuguese, translated from the English Free Bible Version with input from Hebrew and Greek

O Novo Testamento em Português, traduzido da Free Bible Version em Inglês com entrada de hebraico e grego

copyright © 2022 Free Bible Ministry, Inc.
Language: Português
Dialect: Brasil
Contributor: Free Bible Ministry, Inc.

Objetivo: fornecer uma tradução atualizada em português do Brasil que não seja limitada por questões usuais de direitos autorais.

Intent: to provide an up-to-date translation in Brazilian Portugiese that is not constrained by usual copyright issues.

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This translation is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 4.0.

You have permission to share and redistribute this Bible translation in any format and to make reasonable revisions and adaptations of this translation, provided that:

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Note that in addition to the rules above, revising and adapting God's Word involves a great responsibility to be true to God's Word. See Revelation 22:18-19.