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This publication is the New Testament in the Lewo language. The 3,500 speakers of Lewo live on the east coast of Epi, an island in the Shefa province of central Vanuatu. It was translated over the years 1982 to 2015 by the Lewo Translation and Literacy Project, which operated under the Epi Council of Chiefs and the churches on the island. The translators were Kapiapo Melio, Andrew Avio, and John Sethy. The translation advisor and editor was Robert Early. Numerous Lewo speakers assisted as committee members and reviewers, and the support provided by many overseas donors is acknowledged.
Visena P̃esa
Visena lala e Naviranarena Viyu naga molue susumo kome visena na Krik. Siraunia, apilopu pim kome visena tap̃ena la moki talivi viora e yomerava. Mis lala nap̃a apim Vanuatu asiar navilopuena kome kieta visena.
Mis Graham Horwell amio elta lap̃as apilopu tusi lap̃as sumo, ana pe punu re poli. Asiar si na siriena kome Lewo e 1982 pog nap̃a Maltarwo Robert Early myum̃ae amio Elta Kapiapo Melio sumo, p̃isna Andrew Avio mila towe yum̃aena, p̃isna John Sethy naga m̃ena mila yum̃aena nawuloveveena namaro.
Yum̃aena nene pa m̃aga tol kasi nini 2016 nap̃a yum̃aena keviu pimi p̃isi, ana tusi kiena ne Ntewa pimi pani yeririna lala nap̃a apisin visena na Lewo. Potena keviyu pan ita punuga nae Epi, sane sup̃e lala, sum̃are lala, la nap̃a akoan kilavaru a la nap̃a amila yum̃aena sane asike loyum̃a e komiti na vilopuen visena pona amiyum̃ae sane yaru na vilopuen visena, pona lala na wuloveveena visena.
Po pon telavia sane pe nalaena wo tanea nap̃a Ntewa na mava mla pan ita, ve teligan lua re, ana teuloia, tesum̃alu ea, telelaga ea nap̃a naga pisawali ke Sup̃e Yesu pan ita, vena ilaen kieta maliena lala e yomarava nini, a e m̃ena e legiena maro.
Nono nap̃a teke ea kulus nen tusi wa naga kinas sanini
Tusi Wa m̃eke e wosnen klavaru ana kapi tego ke ea.
Klavaru – toutouena na sum̃alu m̃areraena ve kulul re pogos tai
Tusi Wa – Visena kiena ne Ntewa
Kapi – Ninuna ne Ntewa tego li yo punuga