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Godokono Hido
Aramia River Tabo
Godokono Hido Tabo

The New Testament in the Aramia dialect of the Tabo language of Papua New Guinea
© 2006 The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea and Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Print publication, 2006 by The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Ba꞉moe Ko Bukoeno Hiya꞉hiya꞉ Hegehege Buka
Uli Nopo Buka[tab]Gopogopo Mahilo[tab]
Pakala Nopo Buka[tab]Gopogopo Mahilo[tab]
Ba꞉moe Bukoeno Mabu Hawakalimi Tabo
Ba꞉moe buka ba꞉ Aramia Tabo tawakalubino bukala, ibi mabuma꞉ ale ba꞉moi tabo komokomo tukulubino Baibolo bukane ohoba꞉midalima꞉. Ba꞉gala kalakala konomola, ba꞉moe atu tetelo ale Fly Tabo tawakalubino buka ibi mabuma꞉ atumu beka-ododima꞉. Buka ka꞉lamiholedawa, ama꞉le ba꞉moe bukoeno hunu tabo ba꞉ma ka꞉na uma꞉ta, ‘Godokono Hido Tabo, Ebete Ebeno Uli Nopo Tawakaluba꞉tamo Da꞉tamotiya꞉.’
Ba꞉bema꞉ ale aeno konomo kalakala Godotamo adipatema꞉, mabu ebeno malemale ipuwalo ebete ebeno ubi komo ya꞉lo ihatiya꞉ ba꞉moe hido komo Tabo tawakaluba꞉tamo kododima꞉. Ba꞉moe ba꞉be mabuma꞉ 1987 gogolo tupuimiti, ebete komo hiya꞉hiya꞉ hibima꞉ midipino tepo ipuwoeno ukui ba wadiya꞉paa꞉latele ibino toetoe tabo olamagimi komodo ba꞉gala ibino mani ikameho komodo atamo helo ikaa꞉menakui, ale ba꞉moe oko hibinomolo kupula꞉ma꞉.
Ba꞉bema꞉ wadiyala Godote ba꞉moe bukoeno oko owati komone konomo awagaha komo na꞉lawenakamene, mabu hibila, “Ebete genama ete oko owatihino, puya꞉te ba꞉be oko owatima꞉ dewagelena iba꞉te hibi komo a꞉kuma꞉mena꞉” (Ohale 127.1). Ba꞉bema꞉ kalakala konomola, Godote kebe oko ya꞉lo da꞉tupuimiya꞉, ebete ba꞉be hido oko ebeno Tabo tawakaluba꞉godolo ba owatina, wadiyala iba꞉te ba꞉moe Ka꞉ka꞉ Buka ka꞉lamihole komodo ba꞉gala iya꞉tulame komodo ibino hibima꞉ midi ipuwalo kodakodanomoma꞉ neda꞉hamena꞉.
English Preface
This book is a translation of the New Testament into the Aramia River dialect of the Tabo language of Papua New Guinea. It is being published simultaneously with the New Testament for the other half of the language, the speakers of the Fly River dialect. The two dialects together presently comprise a total of about 3,400 speakers, most of whom live in villages located along the banks of the Aramia, Bamu, and Fly Rivers as well as Segero Creek.
We offer thanks to God who out of love for the Tabo people determined to give them this special gift. We are grateful to Him for the many, many individuals who, by their faithfulness in prayer and giving over the years, have enabled us to complete this work. Through them God has caused this portion of His Word to become a reality for the Tabo people in their heart language.
And so we dedicate this book to God for his eternal glory, for truly, “Unless He builds the house, its builders labour in vain” (Psalm 127.1). May He use the reading and the teaching of this Book of Life to continue building His house among the Tabo people, helping them not only to grow as a church in terms of numbers, but also in an ever increasing quality of faith.