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1 Woe! sons forsakers, saith the Lord, that ye shall make a counsel, and not of me; and weave a web, and not by my spirit, that ye should increase sin on sin. (Woe! ye rebels, saith the Lord, ye who take counsel, (or advice), but not from me; and weave a web, but not by my spirit, so that ye increase sin upon sin.)

2 Which go, to go down into Egypt, and ye asked not my mouth; ye hoping help in the strength of Pharaoh, and ye having trust in the shadow of Egypt. (Who go, to go down to Egypt, but ye did not ask my advice; ye hoping for help from the strength of Pharaoh, and ye having trust in the shadow of Egypt.)

3 And the strength of Pharaoh shall be to you into confusion, and the trust of the shadow of Egypt into shame. (But the strength of Pharaoh shall only bring you confusion, and thy trust in the shadow of Egypt shall only bring you shame.)

4 For why thy princes were in Tanis, and thy messengers came till to Hanes. (For though his leaders, or his officers, be in Zoan, and his messengers have come to Hanes,)

5 All they were shamed on the people, that might not profit to them; they were not into help, and into any profit, but into shame and shame. (all shall be ashamed of these people who cannot profit them; yea, they shall not be of any help, or profit, but shall only bring shame and more shame.)

6 The burden of [the] work beasts of the south. In the land of tribulation and of anguish, a lioness, and a lion, of them a serpent, and a [flying] cockatrice; they were bearing their riches on the shoulders of work beasts, and their treasures on the botch of camels, to a people that might not profit to them. (The burden of the work beasts of the south. Into the land of tribulation and of anguish, of a lioness, and a lion, a serpent, and a flying cockatrice, they went carrying their riches on the shoulders of work beasts, and their treasures on the humps of camels, to a people who could not help them.)

7 For why Egypt shall help in vain, and idly. Therefore I cried on this thing (or And so I cried out about this thing), It is pride only; cease thou.

8 Now therefore enter thou, and write to it on [a] box [table], and write thou it diligently in a book; and it shall be in the last day into witnessing, till into without end. (And so now enter thou, and write it on a tablet, and diligently write it in a book; and it shall be in the last day a testimony, yea, unto forever.)

9 For it is a people stirring (me) to wrathfulness, and sons liars, sons that will not hear the law of God. (For they be a people stirring me to anger, and people who lie, and people who will not listen to the Law of God.)

10 Which say to prophets, Do not ye prophesy; and to beholders, Do not ye behold to us those things that be rightful; speak ye things pleasing to us, see ye errors to us. (Who say to prophets, Do not ye prophesy; and to beholders, Do not ye behold for us those things that be right, or truthful; rather, speak ye pleasant, or pleasing, things to us, yea, see ye errors for us.)

11 Do ye away from me the way, bow ye away from me the path; the Holy of Israel cease from our face. (Who say, Get ye out of my way, turn ye away from me on the path; make the Holy One of Israel to go away from us.)

12 Therefore the Holy of Israel saith these things, For that that ye reproved this word, and hoped on false challenge, and on noise, and trusted on it, (And so the Holy One of Israel saith these things, Because ye have rebuked this word, and hoped in oppression, and noise, and trusted in it,)

13 therefore this wickedness shall be to you as a breaking falling down, and sought in an high wall; for suddenly while it is not hoped, the breaking thereof shall come. (and so this wickedness shall be to you like a high wall that hath a crack running down it; and then suddenly, when it is not expected, its breaking shall come.)

14 And it shall be made less, as a vessel of a potter is broken with full strong breaking; and a sherd shall not be found of the gobbets, either remnants, thereof, in which sherd a little fire shall be borne of (the) burning, either a little of water shall be drawn of the ditch. (And it shall be made less, like the vessel of a potter is broken with great breaking; and a shard shall not be found of its pieces, or of its remnants, by which shard a little of the fire can be carried out of the burning, or a little of the water can be drawn out of the ditch.)

15 For why the Lord God, the Holy of Israel, saith these things, If ye turn again, and rest, ye shall be safe; in stillness and in hope shall be your strength. And ye would not. (For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, saith these things, If ye return, and rest, ye shall be safe; in stillness and in hope shall be your strength. But ye would not listen to me or But ye would not do it.)

16 And ye said, Nay, but we shall flee to horses; therefore ye shall flee. And we shall ascend on swift horses; therefore they shall be swifter, that shall pursue you. (And ye said, No, but we shall flee on horses; and so ye shall flee. And we shall go upon swift horses; and so they, who shall pursue you, shall be swifter.)

17 A thousand men shall flee from the face of the dread of one; and ye shall flee from the face of [the] dread of five, till ye be left as the mast of a ship in the top of a mountain (or until ye be left like the mast of a ship on the top of a mountain), and as a sign on a little hill.

18 Therefore the Lord abideth, that he have mercy on you, and therefore he shall be enhanced sparing you; for why God is Lord of doom, blessed be all they that abide him. (And so the Lord waiteth, because he hath mercy on you, and so he shall be exalted for sparing you; for God is the Lord of justice, or of judgement, blessed be all they who wait for him.)

19 Forsooth the people of Zion shall dwell in Jerusalem; (but) thou weeping shalt not weep (any more), (for) he doing mercy shall have mercy on thee; at the voice of thy cry, anon as he heareth, he shall answer to thee, (or at the sound of thy cry, as soon as he heareth it, he shall answer thee).

20 And the Lord shall give to thee strait bread, and short water, and shall no more make thy teacher to flee away from thee; and thine eyes shall be seeing thy commander (or but thine eyes shall see thy teacher),

21 and thine ears shall hear a word behind the back of him that admonisheth; This is the way, go ye therein, neither to the right half, neither to the left half. (and thy ears shall hear a voice behind thy back that admonisheth thee, saying, This is the way, go ye in it, and neither to the right, nor to the left.)

22 And thou shalt defoul the plates of the graven images of thy silver, and the cloth of the molten image of thy gold; and thou shalt scatter them, as the uncleanness of a woman in unclean blood; Go thou out, and thou shalt say to it. (And thou shalt defile thy carved idols plated with silver, and thy cast idols cloaked in gold; and thou shalt throw them away, like the unclean cloth of a woman in unclean blood; and thou shalt say to them, Go thou away.)

23 And rain shall be given to thy seed, wherever thou shalt sow in [the] earth, and the bread of [the] fruits of [the] earth shall be most plenteous and fat; in that day a lamb shall be fed largely in thy possession (or on that day thy cattle shall be fed in large, or broad, pastures).

24 And thy bulls and colts of asses, that work the land, shall eat barley with chaff meddled together, as it is winnowed in the cornfloor. (And thy bulls and the colts of donkeys, that work the land, shall eat barley mixed, or mingled, together with chaff, after that it is winnowed on the threshing floor.)

25 And strands of running waters shall be on each high mountain, and on each little hill raised (or and on each raised up little hill), in the day of (the) slaying of many men, when towers fall down.

26 And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day in which the Lord shall bind together the wound of his people, and shall make whole the smiting of the wound(s) thereof. (And the light of the moon shall be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, like the light of seven days, on the day when the Lord shall bind up the wounds of his people, yea, when he shall make whole, or shall heal, all their wounds.)

27 Lo! the name of the Lord cometh down from [a] far; his strong vengeance is burning, and grievous to bear; his lips be filled of indignation, and his tongue is as fire devouring, (or his lips be full of anger, and his tongue is like a devouring fire).

28 His spirit is as a stiff stream, (over)flowing till to the midst of the neck, to lose folks into nought, and the bridle of error, that was in the cheeks of peoples. (His breath is like a swift stream, overflowing unto the midst of their necks, to destroy the nations down into nothing, and like a bridle that was put on the cheeks of the people, to cause them to err.)

29 Song shall be to you, as the voice of an hallowed solemnity; and gladness of heart, as he that goeth with a pipe, for to enter into the hill of the Lord, to the Strong (One) of Israel. (A song shall be for you, like on the night of a solemn, or of a sacred, feast; and happiness of heart, like he who goeth with a pipe, or with a flute, to the hill of the Lord, yea, to the Strong One of Israel.)

30 And the Lord shall make heard the glory of his voice, and he shall show the fearedfulness of his arm in menacing of (his) strong vengeance, and in flame of fire burning; he shall hurtle down in whirlwind, and in [the] stone of hail. (And the Lord shall make heard the glory of his voice, and he shall show the fearfulness of his arm with the threatening of his strong vengeance, and with the flame of a burning fire; he shall hurtle down with the whirlwind, and with the hailstone.)

31 For why Assur smitten with a rod shall dread of the voice of the Lord; (For the Assyrians shall fear the voice of the Lord, and shall be struck with his rod;)

32 and the passing of the rod shall be founded, which rod the Lord shall make for to rest on him. In tympans, and harps, and in sovereign battles he shall overcome them. (and the striking of his rod shall be marked with drums, or with tambourines, and with harps, which rod the Lord shall make to rest upon them. And he himself shall overcome them in battle.)

33 For why Tophet, that is, hell, deep and alarged, is made ready of the king from yesterday; the nourishings thereof be fire and many trees; the blast of the Lord, as a stream of brimstone, kindleth it. (For Tophet, that is, hell, is made ready from yesterday, yea, it is prepared for the king, made deep and enlarged; its nourishings be fire and a great deal of wood; and the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, kindleth it.)

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