2 This only I desire to learn of you, whether ye have received the Spirit of the works of the law, or of hearing of belief? (I only desire to learn this from you, did ye receive the Spirit by doing the works of the Law, or by hearing and believing?)
3 So ye be fools, that when ye have begun in Spirit (or because what ye have begun in the Spirit), [now] ye be ended in (the) flesh.
4 So great things [or So many things] ye have suffered without cause, (or without any reason, or for any purpose), if it be without cause.
5 He that giveth to you [the] Spirit, and worketh virtues in you, whether of works of the law, or of hearing of belief? [Therefore he that giveth to you the spirit, and worketh virtues in you, whether of the works of the law, or of hearing of faith?](Giveth he the Spirit to you, and worketh works of power among you, because of ye doing the works of the Law, or because of ye hearing and believing?)
6 As it is written, Abraham believed to God, and it was reckoned to him to rightwiseness.
7 And therefore know ye, that these that be of belief, be the sons of Abraham. [+Therefore know ye, that they that be of faith, they be the sons of Abraham.]
8 And the scripture seeing afar, that God justifieth the heathen of belief, [or Forsooth the scripture purveying, for God justifieth of faith heathen men], told before(hand) to Abraham, That in thee all the heathen [or all (the) folks] shall be blessed. (And the Scripture seeing afar off, that God justifieth the Gentiles by faith, said ahead of time to Abraham, Through thee all the nations and all the peoples shall be blessed.)
9 And therefore these that be of belief, [or Therefore they that be of faith], (or And so they who be of the faith or who have faith), shall be blessed with faithful Abraham.
10 For all that be of (or rely on) the works of the law, be under (a) curse; for it is written, Each man is cursed, that abideth not [or that dwelleth not] in all (the) things that be written in the book of the law (or in the Book of the Law), to do those things.
11 And that no man is justified in the law before God, it is open, for a rightful man liveth of belief. [Forsooth for no man is justified in the law with God, it is known, for a rightful man liveth by faith.]
12 But the law is not of belief (or But the Law is not a matter of faith), but he that doeth those things of the law, shall live in them.
13 But Christ again-bought us [or delivered us] from the curse of the law (or But the Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the Law), and was made accursed for us; for it is written, Each man is cursed that hangeth in (or on) the tree;
14 that among the heathen the blessing of Abraham were made in Jesus Christ, that we receive the promise of (the) Spirit through belief. [that the blessing of Abraham in heathen men should be made in Christ Jesus, that we take the promise of (the) Spirit by faith.](so that among the Gentiles the blessing of Abraham came through, or by, Jesus Christ, and so we receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.)
15 Brethren, I say after man, no man despiseth the testament (or the covenant) of a man that is confirmed, or ordaineth above, (or can add, or subtract), (any)[other thing].
16 The promises were said to Abraham and to his seed; he saith not, In [the] seeds, as in many, but as in one, And to thy seed, that is, Christ (or the Messiah).
17 But I say, this testament is confirmed of God, (or But I say, this covenant is confirmed by God); the law that was made after four hundred and thirty years, maketh not the testament (in) vain to void away the promise [or maketh (it) not void for to do away the promise].
18 For if [the] heritage were of the law, it were not now of (the) promise, (or For if the inheritance (is) by the Law, (it is) not by the Promise). But God granted [or gave] to Abraham through (the) promise.
19 What then the law? that is, Whereto is the law profitable? [or What therefore profiteth the law?] It was set for trespassing, till the seed came, to whom he had made the promise. Which law was ordained by angels, in the hand of a mediator.
20 But a mediator is not of one. But God is one.
21 Is then the law against the promises of God? God forbid. For if the law were given, that might quicken, verily were rightfulness of (the) law, [or verily rightwiseness were of (the) law], (or For if a law had been given, that could enliven, or that could give life, then truly righteousness would have come from keeping or obeying the Law).
22 But the scripture hath concluded all things under sin, (so) that the promise of the faith of Jesus Christ were given to them that believe.
23 And before that belief came, they were kept under the law, enclosed into that belief that was to be showed. [Forsooth before that the faith came, we were kept under the law, shut together into that faith that was to be showed.]
24 And so the law was our under-master in Christ, that we be justified of belief. [+Therefore the law was our little master (or our teacher) in Christ, that we be justified of faith.](And so the Law was our tutor in the Messiah, so that we would be justified through faith.)
25 But after that belief came, we be not now under the under-master. [But after that the faith came, now we be not under the little master (or under the teacher).](But now that faith hath come, we be not under the tutor any longer.)
26 For all ye be the children of God through the belief of Jesus Christ. [For all ye be the sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus.](For all of ye be God’s children through faith in the Messiah Jesus.)
27 For all ye that be baptized, be clothed with Christ. (For all of ye who be baptized, be clothed with the Messiah.)
28 There is no Jew, nor Greek, no bondman, nor free man, no male, nor female; for all ye be one in Christ Jesus (or for all of ye be one in the Messiah Jesus).
29 And if ye be one in Jesus Christ, then ye be the seed of Abraham, and heirs by (the) promise.