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1 Lords, give ye to (your) servants that that is just and even (or what is just and fair), witting (or knowing) that also ye have a Lord in heaven.

2 Be ye busy in prayer, and wake in it, in doing of thankings; (Be diligent in prayer, and be watchful in it, and in thanksgiving, or in the giving of thanks;)

3 and pray each for (the) other, and for us, that God open to us the door of word, to speak the mystery of Christ; for which also I am bound, (and pray for one another, and for us, that God would open for us the door, or the occasion, to preach, yea, to speak about the secret of the Messiah; for which I am now in prison,)

4 that I show it, so as it behooveth me to speak.

5 Walk ye in wisdom to them that be withoutforth, again-buying (the) time. (Walk with wisdom, or Show wisdom, to those who be outside, redeeming the time.)

6 Your word be savoured with salt (for)evermore in grace; that ye know, how it behooveth you to answer to each man. (Let your words always be gracious, and savoured with salt; so that ye know, how it behooveth you to answer to everyone.)

7 Tychicus, most dear brother, and faithful minister, and my fellow [or my even-servant] in the Lord, (or Tychicus, most dear brother, and faithful minister, and my fellow servant in the Lord), shall make all things known to you, that be about me.

8 Whom I sent to you to this same thing, (so) that he know what things be about you, and comfort your hearts,

9 with Onesimus, most dear and faithful brother, which is of you (or who is one of you); which shall make all things that be done here, known to you.

10 Aristarchus, (a) prisoner with me [or mine even-captive], greeteth you well (or sendeth you hearty greetings), and Marcus, the cousin of Barnabas, of whom ye have taken commandments; if he come to you, receive ye him;

11 and Jesus, that is said Justus; which be of (the) circumcision; they alone be mine helpers in the kingdom of God, that were to me in solace. (and Jesus, who is also called Justus; all of whom be of the circumcision; they alone be my helpers in the Kingdom of God, and were a great solace to me.)

12 Epaphras, that is of you, the servant of Jesus Christ, greeteth you well (or sendeth you hearty greetings); ever busy for you in prayers, (so) that ye stand perfect and full in all the will of God.

13 And I bear witnessing to him, that he hath much travail for you, and for them that be at Laodicea, and that be at Hierapolis. (And I testify about him, that he hath laboured much for you, and for those who be at Laodicea, and who be at Hierapolis.)

14 Luke, the leech, most dear, and Demas, greet you well. (Luke, the most dear physician, and Demas, send you hearty greetings.)

15 Greet ye well the brethren that be at Laodicea (or Give hearty greetings to the brothers who be at Laodicea), and the woman Nymphas, and the church that is in her house, [or and Nymphas, and the church that is in his house].

16 And when this epistle is read among you, do ye, that it be read in the church of (the) Laodiceans; and read ye that epistle that is of (the) Laodiceans.

17 And say ye to Archippus, See the ministry, that thou hast taken in the Lord (or that thou hast received from the Lord), that thou [ful] fill it.

18 My salutation, by the hand of Paul. Be ye mindful of my bonds. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.