2 Most dear brother, of all things I make prayer, that thou enter, and fare wealfully, as thy soul doeth wealfully.
3 I joyed greatly, for brethren came, and bare witnessing to thy truth, as thou walkest in truth.
4 I have not more grace of these things, than that I hear that my sons walk in truth.
5 Most dear brother, thou doest faithfully, whatever thou workest in brethren, and that into pilgrims,
6 which yielded witnessing to thy charity, in the sight of the church; which thou leadest forth, and doest well-worthily to God.
7 For they went forth for his name, and took nothing of heathen men.
8 Therefore we owe to receive such, that we be even-workers of truth.
9 I had written peradventure to the church, but this Diotrephes, that loveth to bear primacy, [or chief places], in them, receiveth not us.
10 For this thing, if I shall come, I shall admonish his works, which he doeth, chiding [or chattering] against us with evil words. And as if these things suffice not to him, neither he receiveth brethren, and forbiddeth them that receive, and putteth out of the church.
11 Most dear brother, do not thou pursue evil thing, but that that is good thing. He that doeth well, is of God; he that doeth evil, seeth not God.
12 Witnessing is yielded to Deme-trius of all men, and of truth itself; but also we bear witnessing, and thou knowest, that our witnessing is true.
13 I had many things to write to thee, but I would not write to thee by ink and pen.
14 For I hope soon to see thee, and we shall speak mouth to mouth. Peace be to thee. Friends greet thee well. Greet thou well friends by name. Amen.