2 and men shall be loving them-selves, covetous, high of bearing, proud, blasphemers, not obedient to father and mother, unkind, cursed,
3 without affection, [or good will], without peace, false blamers [or false challengers], uncontinent, [or unchaste], unmild, without benignity,
4 traitors, over-thwart [or froward], swollen [or blown]with proud thoughts, blind, lovers of lusts more than of God,
5 having the likeness of piety, but denying the virtue of it. And eschew thou these men.
6 Of these they be that pierce houses, and lead women captives [or and lead little women captive], charged with sins, which be led with diverse desires,
7 evermore learning, and never perfectly coming to the science, [or to the knowing], of truth.
8 And as Jannes and Jambres against-stood Moses, so these against-stand the truth, men corrupt in understanding [or in soul], reproved about the faith.
9 But further they shall not profit, for the unwisdom of them shall be known to all men, as theirs was.
10 But thou hast gotten my teaching [or my doctrine], ordinance, purposing [or purpose], faith, long abiding, love, patience,
11 persecutions, passions, which were made to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, what manner persecutions I suffered, and the Lord hath delivered me of all.
12 And all men that will live faithfully [or piously] in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and deceivers shall increase into worse, erring [them-selves], and sending [others] into error.
14 But dwell thou in these things that thou hast learned, and that be betaken to thee, witting of whom thou hast learned;
15 for thou hast known holy letters from thy youth, which may learn thee [or may inform thee] to health, by faith that is in Christ Jesus.
16 For all scripture inspired of God is profitable to teach, to reprove, to chastise, [for] to learn in rightwiseness,
17 that the man of God be perfect, learned to all good work[s].