35 At sunset Jesus said to his men “We will go eastwards to the other side of the water.” 36 Therefore they left the rest of the people on the land, they took Jesus on the water in a dinghy. Other dinghys also followed them. 37-38 As they were going Jesus was aleep at the back, on a blanket, on a pillow, he was sound asleep. After that partway along a really big wind came up, the water became waves, it was entering the dinghy, the water was filling it. Jesus' men became very afraid. They woke him up. They said to him, “Teacher! Truly the water will drown us all. Soon we will die. Save us! Why did you forget us? 39 Jesus got up from sleep, he said told them, “Wind abate! Water go down!” At his word the wind abated right then, the water went down in the same way, it became calm. 40 Jesus asked his men, “Why were you afraid? Why didn't you believe in me?” 41 They were really wondering about him. They said to each other, “The wind and the water listened to him! At his word the wind abated and the water really went down. Truly he is boss for the water and wind! What is this Jesus like? Who is he?” They were wondering in that way. After that they were afraid of him.
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