1 After that Jesus returned to the town of Capernaum. There they were saying to each other, “Jesus has returned.” 2 Many people came to his house to listen to him. He was teaching them about God. Very many people were inside that house, many others were standing around outside, they were listening to him. 3 At that time four men came. They were carrying a sick man on a blanket, he was very weak, he could not walk. They brought him to Jesus to heal him. 4 They tried in vain to enter the house, many people were there. Very many were standing close to Jesus. After that they climbed on top of the house. They made a hole on top close to Jesus, they lowered the sick man on the blanket in front of Jesus. 5 Jesus said to himself, “They believe I will heal this sick person.” Then he spoke kindly to the sick one, “You have earlier been ignoring God. In response I will not hit you, I will not look on you with anger, I will be good to you.” 6 There were a few of the Jews' teachers sitting in that house. They became upset at Jesus' words. They were thinking to themselves, 7 “He should not talk like that. He said to him, 'You have earlier been ignoring God. In response I will not hit you, I will be good to you.' That is what he said. He spoke very badly. Only God can talk like that. People can't talk in that way. That Jesus is making himself like God.” 8-9 Jesus knew about them, that they were thinking in that way, that they were criticising him in that sort of way. He asked them, “Why are you criticising me in that way? I said to this man, 'You have earlier been ignoring God. In response I will not hit you, I will be good to you.' You say I should not talk in this way. How shall I talk to this sick person? Perhaps I will say to him, Stand up, pick up your blanket, go on foot'. How about it? Should I talk to him in that way? Will he become well at my word? Will he be without sickness? 10 Yes! Right now I will heal this sick one. Because of that you will know about me, God is the one who truly told me to make him well. You will know about me God truly told me to just leave bad people, to be good to them. After that Jesus told the sick one, 11 Stand up, pick up your blanket, go to your camp.” 12 Right then that man stood up, he picked up his blanket, he went straight outside. They were all watching him as he kept going. They were saying, “He did a good thing. This is new! We have not seen this.” They were praising God, they were saying to him, “Thank you! Truly you are good.”
13 Again Jesus was going along the edge of the big water, the waterhole Galilee. Many people gathered with him. He was teaching them about God. 15b Many who disregarded the laws of the Jews were following Jesus. Some of them were tax collectors (lit.'money removers'). They used to work from the Roman government, they would take money from people in accordance with the Government's word. They were thieves. They would take a lot of money from them, they would give some to the Government boss, the rest they would keep for themselves. Day after day many like them who were also disregarders of the law of the Jews were following Jesus. 14 One day Jesus was going along the waterhole Galilee. He saw a man, a tax collector, his name was Levi. This Levi was sitting in his working house. When Jesus saw him he said to him, “Follow me.” Right then he left his work, he kept following Jesus. 15a After that Jesus went to Levi's house to eat food. Some other tax collectors also, and others who were disregarders of the law of the Jews came to eat food there. 16 Others who were Jewish teachers stood nearby. They called themselves Pharisees. They saw Jesus eating with those who were disregarders of the Jews' law. They said to Jesus' men. “Jesus should not eat with tax collectors and those who are disregarders of the law. He is doing a bad thing.” Like that the Pharisees were talking. 17 Jesus heard them. In response he said to them, “The doctor will not come to heal those who are healthy, he will come only to those who sick. I do like that. I did not come to call those who are habitually good to God. I came to call to God those who are disregarders of God, in accordance with his word. Therefore I am eating with those people.”
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