5 This is the word that his Son told us, and now we are telling you: God is truly without fault, truly he is good always. 6 We might talk as if we are alright with God, but we are also sinning. By doing that we are lying, what we are doing is not in accordance with God's word. 7 When we are without badness just like he is without badness, we will all become happy together, and as a result of that the blood of Jesus his Son washes us from all the bad things we have done. 8 Perhaps we might say to ourselves we are without badness, truly we are deceiving ourselves, truly we should tell it the proper way but we are not. 9 When we tell God we have done wrong, he is true, he will do according to his word, he will do what is proper: he will leave us untouched for doing that bad thing, he will wash us from all the bad things we did.