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1 Alleluia, a Psalm of Haggai and Zechariah.
Praise ye the Lord from the heavens:
Praise him in the highest.
2 Praise ye him, all his angels:
Praise ye him, all his hosts.
3 Praise him, sun and moon:
Praise him, all ye stars and light.
4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens,
And the water that is above the heavens.
5 Let them praise the name of the Lord:
For he spoke, and they were made;
He commanded, and they were created.
6 He has established them forever, even forever and ever:
He has made an ordinance, and it shall not pass away.
7 Praise the Lord from the earth,
Ye serpents, and all deeps.
8 Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy wind;
The things that perform his word.
9 Mountains, and all hills;
Fruitful trees, and all cedars:
10 Wild beasts, and all cattle;
Reptiles, and winged birds:
11 Kings of the earth, and all peoples;
Princes, and all judges of the earth:
12 Young men and virgins,
Old men with youths:
13 Let them praise the name of the Lord:
For his name only is exalted;
His praise is above the earth and heaven,
14 And he shall exalt the horn of his people,
There is a hymn for all his saints,
Even of the children of Israel, a people who draw near to him.

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