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For Jeduthun, the music director. A psalm of Asaph.
1 I cry out to God for help—I even shout. If only he would listen to me!
2 When I was in trouble I prayed to the Lord. All night long I stretched out my hands to him in prayer but nothing brought me any comfort.
3 I thought about God, groaning loudly; I meditated on him, but I was discouraged. Selah.
4 You stop me going to sleep;[a] I'm so upset I can't even talk.
5 I think of the old days, years ago.
6 I remember the songs I sung in the night. I meditate and ask myself:
7 Has the Lord given up on me[b] forever? Won't he ever be pleased with me again?
8 Has his trustworthy love disappeared forever? Have his promises permanently ended?
9 Has God forgotten to be kind? Has he angrily slammed the door shut on his compassion? Selah.
10 Then I said, “This is what hurts me the most: the Most High doesn't treat me the way he used to.”[c]
11 I remember what you have done, Lord; I remember all the wonderful things you did long ago.
12 I will think about all you have accomplished; I will think deeply about how you have acted.
13 God, your ways are holy; is any god as great as you?
14 You are the God who does wonderful things! You have revealed your power to the nations.
15 Through your strength you saved your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.
16 When the waters saw you, God, when they looked they trembled! Yes, they shook down to the very depths![d]
17 The clouds poured rain down; the skies crashed with thunder; your lightning flew like arrows.
18 Your thunder rumbled from the whirlwind; lightning flashes lit up the world; the earth quaked and shook.
19 Your way led through the sea; your path passed through the deep sea; yet your footprints were invisible.
20 You led your people like a flock, shepherded by Moses and Aaron.

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