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1 And the Lord said to Abram, Go forth out of your land and out of your kindred, and out of the house of your father, and come into the land which I will show you. 2 And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and magnify your name, and you shall be blessed. 3 And I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you, and in you shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed. 4 And Abram went as the Lord spoke to him, and Lot departed with him, and Abram was seventy-five years old, when he went out of Charrhan. 5 And Abram took Sara his wife, and Lot the son of his brother, and all their possessions, as many as they had got, and every soul which they had got in Charrhan, and they went forth to go into the land of Chanaan. [a] 6 And Abram traversed the land lengthwise as far as the place Sychem, to the high oak, and the Chananites then inhabited the land. 7 And the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him, I will give this land to your seed. And Abram built an altar there to the Lord who appeared to him. 8 And he departed thence to the mountain eastward of Baethel, and there he pitched his tent in Baethel near the sea, and Aggai toward the east, and there he built an altar to the Lord, and called on the name of the Lord. 9 And Abram departed and went and encamped in the wilderness. 10 And there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, because the famine prevailed in the land. 11 And it came to pass when Abram drew near to enter into Egypt, Abram said to Sara his wife, I know that you are a fair woman. 12 It shall come to pass then that when the Egyptians shall see you, they shall say, This is his wife, and they shall kill me, but they shall save you alive. 13 Say, therefore, I am his sister, that it may be well with me on account of you, and my soul shall live because of you. 14 And it came to pass when Abram entered into Egypt—the Egyptians having seen his wife that she was very beautiful— 15 that the princes of Pharao saw her, and praised her to Pharao and brought her into the house of Pharao. 16 And they treated Abram well on her account, and he had sheep, and calves, and asses, and menservants, and women-servants, and mules, and camels. 17 And God afflicted Pharao with great and severe afflictions, and his house, because of Sara, Abram's wife. 18 And Pharao having called Abram, said, What is this you have done to me, that you did not tell me that she was your wife? 19 Therefore did you say, She is my sister? and I took her for a wife to myself; and now, behold, your wife is before you, take her and go quickly away. 20 And Pharao gave charge to men concerning Abram, to join in sending him forward, and his wife, and all that he had. [b]

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