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1 A on̈ anima on̈ tic, sco na' tas sco c'ulej, palta an̈ej Jehová tz'alani tas tz'aj yelc'ochi.
2 A on̈ anima on̈ tic, sco na' to a tas sco c'ulej vach'n̈ej, palta a Jehová sch'olb'itan tas nab'il cuuj chi'.
3 Tato scac'och masanil tas sco na co c'ulej ab'enal d'a yol sc'ab' Jehová, vach' tz'aj yelc'ochi.
4 A Jehová ix b'oancan masanil tas yic tz'elc'och tas nab'il yuuj, an̈ejtona' a' ix naancani to a eb' chuc, yovalil ol scha syaelal eb'.
5 A eb' syic'chaan̈ sb'a, chacb'ilel eb' yuj Jehová, yuj chi' man̈ yojtacoclaj eb' janic' ol javoc yaelal d'a yib'an̈ eb' yuuj.
6 Tato sco xajanej eb' quetanimail, tato sco c'anab'ajej tas scala', tz'ac'ji nivanc'olal co mul. Tato ay yelc'och Jehová d'ayon̈, squiq'uel co b'a d'a scal chucal.
7 Tato stzalaj Jehová yed' co b'eyb'al, tz'och junc'olal d'a co cal yed' eb' ajc'ol yajoch d'ayon̈.
8 Vach'chom quenn̈ej tas squic' d'a co munlajel d'a stojolal, yelxo te vach' d'a yichan̈ pax b'aj te nivan tas scac' ganar d'a spatic chucal.
9 A on̈ anima on̈ tic sco na' tas sco c'ulej, palta axo Jehová tzon̈ cuchb'an d'a tas sco c'ulej chi'.
10 A eb' rey schecab' Dios yaj eb', yuj chi' man̈ smojoc chuc syutej eb' sch'olb'itan junoc tas.
11 A Jehová scha sc'ool masanil echlab' tz'acan, yujto a ix ac'ancan masanil echlab' chi'.
12 A eb' rey, a tas man̈ tojoloc, yovalil schaquel eb', yujto a yopisio eb' chi' yovalil a tojolal tz'ic'an b'eyoc.
13 A eb' yel syala' xajan eb' yuj eb' rey, stzalaj eb' rey chi' yed' eb'.
14 Tato scot yoval eb' rey ay smay ay chamel, palta a eb' ay spensar jun, say eb' tas tz'aj sicb'i yoval eb' rey chi'.
15 Tato stzevaj eb' rey, malaj chamel syal chi', axo svach'c'olal eb', lajan icha yasunal b'ab'el n̈ab'.
16 Te vach' quico' tato a jelanil yed' aj pensaril tz'ilchaj cuuj, d'a yichan̈ q'uen oro yed' q'uen plata.
17 Tato tojol co b'eyb'al, squiq'uel co b'a d'a scal chucal, tato sco ya'ilej co b'eyb'al, syalelc'ochi to van co ya'ilan co b'a.
18 Tato ac'umtac scutej co b'a, ma squic'chaan̈ co b'a, tzon̈ ic'jiemta, man̈xalaj tz'aj quelc'ochi.
19 Más vach' emnaquil scutej co b'a yed' eb' meb'a', d'a yichan̈ pax ay tas squic' yed' eb' anima ac'umtac.
20 A eb' ojtannac yic'an b'ey smunlajel, vach'n̈ej tz'aj yelc'och eb'. Te tzalajc'olal yic eb' tz'ac'anoch Jehová yipoc sc'ool.
21 A eb' jelan spensar, syal anima to te ay spensar eb'. A yuj lolonel vach' syal eb', syic' sjelanil anima chi'.
22 Tato scham val co naani ayic mantzac co c'ulej junoc tasi, ayton yiloj q'uinalil, palta tato sco cach eb' malaj spensar, nab'an̈ej squixtej co b'a.
23 A eb' jelan, cham snaan eb' tas syutej eb' sloloni, yuj tas syal eb' chi', stzalaj eb' anima.
24 A lolonel vach', lajan icha schi'al noc' yal chab', tzon̈ tzalaj yuuj, syac'an co tec'anil.
25 Ay b'eyb'al te vach' co naani, palta van on̈ yic'anb'at d'a chamel.
26 Tato ay co vejel, scac' val och d'a co c'ool co munlaj sic'lab'il.
27 A eb' chuc, ayn̈ejec' chucal d'a spensar eb', a slolonel eb', lajan val icha sq'ue n̈iln̈on yoc te' c'ac'.
28 A eb' chuc spensar, sq'uen̈ej vaan oval yuj eb'. A yuj eb' alum pecal, tz'och ajc'olal d'a scal eb' vach' taxon yac'ani.
29 A eb' comonn̈ej smac'vaji, syac' musansatil eb' yamigo eb', yujto a eb', van yic'ancanb'at eb' d'a jun b'eyb'al man̈ vach'oc.
30 A eb' snaan yac'an chucal, smutz'mutz'an sat eb', tato toxo ix sna eb' tas ol yutoc sc'ulan chucal chi', toxon̈ej snub' sti' eb'.
31 A eb' tz'ichamaxi, aton jun chi' scha eb' spacoc yujto vach' ix yutej sb'eyb'al eb' d'a yolyib'an̈q'uinal tic.
32 Yelxo te vach' tato nivan scutej co c'ool d'a yichan̈ pax to ste tec'ton quip. Yelxo te vach' tato sco yamoch vaan yoval co c'ool d'a yichan̈ b'aj scan junoc chon̈ab'il anima d'a yalan̈ co mandar.
33 Vach'chom scac'och suerte d'a yib'an̈ junoc tas, palta an̈ej Jehová snaani tastac tz'ajelc'och smasanil.