5 B́ k'iron bínton ik nowottsok'o k'irotse b́tuwon bínton ik wotituwone. 6 No ats morretso no atse b́tuwituwok'o morrosh guuts nowoto b́ oritwok'o no ats nato Krstosnton jitetsok'o danfone. 7 K'irts asho morrosh kewewotse nas'o keshre. 8 Eshe Krstosnton nok'iriyakon bínton kashon nobetuwok'o amanituwone, 9 Krstos k'irotse b́tuutsi jangosh gitlo b́ k'irawok'onat k'ironuwere bíyatse alo b́deshawok'o danfone. 10 K'iroone b́jamon iknoto morrosh k'irre, kashon b́beyonmó Ik'oshe b́beyiri. 11 Mank'o it k'iron k'alwok'o k'alewon morratse it k'aletsok'o Krstos Iyesus weeron Ik'osh kashon itbeyirwok'o taawwere.
12 Mansh morro it ats k'iritwatse alo b́detsetwok'onat it meets tewnosh keewetswotsi itn b́woshitwok'o eekk'ayere. 13 Mank'o it atsi kayuwotsi gondosh k'ac'o woshder morrosh kewik'ayere, ernmó k'irotse tuwat kashetswotsi it wottsok'o woshde'er it tooko Ik'osh t'intsuwere, it atsi kay jamwotsi kááwu finosh k'ac'o woshde'er Ik'osh kewiwere. 14 And it beyir s'aatoniyere dasha bako nemoniyere dash wot b́k'aztsotse morro itn b́ keewo geyiratse.
20 Morrosh guutso itteshor kááwo fino finosh kic'erak itne b́teshi. 21 Bére, manoor eebi it daatsi? And iti b́ jitsiyiruwoniyere okoon eegor daatsatste, keewhan b́ s'uwo k'ire. 22 Andmó morri guuts wototse nas'o keshat Ik'o guutsuwotsi itwottsotse S'ayin woto daatsitute, weeronwere b́s'uwatse dúre dúri kashe. 23 Morrotse daatset k'awuntso k'ire, Ik'oke imet imonmó nodoonz Iyesus Krstosn daatset dúre dúri kashoniye.
<- Rom 5Rom 7 ->6:4 K'ol. 2:12