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(1) Efesonits Ik' moo
1 Efesonits Ik' maa melakiyosh, «Shawat k'eenwotsi b́ k'ani kishots detsdek'tso, shawat c'eesh kurefwots dagotse ananiruwo, 2 n fino, kúp'at nfiintsok'o, n k'amo danfee, gondwotsnomó k'amo n maawtsok'o, woshetswotsi bowoterawo ‹wosheetsots noone› etirwotsi maramarat kootetsi bowoto n daatstsok'o danfee. 3 K'amoon nkup'tsok'ont t shútsosh n taahraniyere gondo n bek'tsok'ono danfee, 4 Ernmó ik keewo niyatsere t shit'tso detsfe, bíwere n shun shintso k'azk'rerne, 5 awuk'o een beyoke n dihitsok'o gawde'e! naandre eree! shin finat nteshtsok'o andoru mank'o finowe, jaman k'alo n k'azalomó niyok weetwe, naandere eto n k'azal, n c'eeshi beyoko b́ beyoke k'a'úbazetwe. 6 Ernmó neen t udit ik keewo fa'e, taa t shit'iru Nik'olawiyots fino neewere shit'rne.

7 Aze. 2:9; Bek'. 22:2; Hzk'. 28:13; 31:8 «Shayiro Ik' mooshwwotssh bí etirwo waaz detstso k'ewe! Da'a dek'etwo Ik' Genetotse fa'a kash mitatse b́ meetwok'o woshitwe.» etfe err guud'e.

(2) Semernesits Ik' moo
8 Isa. 44:6; 48:12; Bek'. 1:17; 22:13 Semrnes Ik' maa melakiyosh, «Shintsonat s'watsts wottso, k'irt teshtsonat beyat beyirwo, 9 n gond bek'onat n tugron danfee, wotowa eree gaaletsk neene, ayhudi bowoterawo ayhudi noone etiru, Shed'ani mabari wottswots, n shúútso bo t'afitsok'o danfee, 10 shino maants niyats bodet gondbek'osh shatk'aye, eshe it fadetwok'o ititsere ik ikuwotsi Diyablos tipi moots gedetwe, tats aawosh gond bek'o daatsitute, n k'irfetsosh amanetso wotowe, kash akliliyo neesh imetwe.

11 Bek'. 20:14; 21:18 «Shayiro Ik' moowwotssh b́ etirwo waaz detstso shiye! Da'adek'etwo gitl k'irosh eegor woteratse.» etfe err guud'e.

(3) P'ergamon Ik' moo
12 P'ergamon Ik' maa melakiyosh, «Git weeron shash detsts shiki gorad detsdek'tso, 13 nee Shed'ani naashi jori beyoke n beyirwok'o danfee, wotowa eree t shútso kúp'idek'at detsrne, taash amanets gaw wottso Antip'asi Shed'ani beyirwoke it kitotse úd'ewor dab tiyatse ndetsts imnetiyo haleratsne. 14 Taaw. 22:5, 7; 31:16; Iwi. 23:4; Taaw. 25:1-3 Ernmó niatse tshit'ts múk' keewwotsi detsfe, manúwere Bel'am dants dano detsdek'ts ik ik ashuwots it dagotse fa'ane, Bela'mhan Isra'el ash ashuwots woteraw ik'uwotssh shukeets móó máár widetsi fino finar bodihitwok'o Balak'i iztsoniye. 15 Mank'owere Nik'olots jírwots dano detsts ashuwotswere ititse fa'ane, 16 Mansh naandre eree, man nk'azal káári niyok waar tnoni shikonowere boon kaaritwe.

17 Kesh. 16:14-15; 16:33-34; Yoh. 6:48-50; Isa. 62:2; 65:15 «Shayro Ik'i moowwotssh bíetirwo waaz detstso shiye! da'adek'etwosh ááshts mano bísh imetuwe, handr shúútso bítse guut'ets shúts nas'unowere*Shúts nas'a: Griki nemotse shúts nas'o eto bín s'amiyets asho angshirwotsok b́ t'inor bín s'amiyets keewotse nas'o wotor bísh imef shúts nas'uni. bísh imetwe, deek'etwoniyere okoon k'osho konwor man danatse.» etfe err guud'e.

(4) Tiyat'ronitsi Ik'i moowu
18 Tiyat'ron Ik' moowtsi melakiyosh, «Taw lalu arts ááwwotsi detstso taw k'ak'on wos'ts k'áázok'o arts tufuwotsi detsts Ik' na'o, 19 n finonat nshunon, n imnetiyonat n finon, k'amoon n kúp'onowere danfee, ili n fino shintsoniyere b́ bogtsok'o danfee. 20 1 Naash. 16:31; 2 Naash. 9:22-30 Ernmó niyatse tshit'ts keew iko detsfe, manwere ‹Nebiyi taane› etiru máátsu Elzabeli s'ik etaat k'azk'rerne, biwere t guutswots bo gusiyitwok'onat woteraw ik'uwotssh wosheets misho bo meetwok'o daniyon sheelirane. 21 Naandre bi etetwok'o bish gizewo imre b́ teshi bimó b widatsere naandre err aano geratsane. 22 Mansh kúúni es'ats bin dikitwe, binton bofints gond finatse aanar naandrone eto bok'azal binton wido finiru jamwotsats een kúúno dowetwe, 23 b nanaúwotsno k'iron fayitwe, Ik' maa jamwotswere ash hasabiyonat tewnon p'ec'ar danetwo taa twottsok'o danetúne, it ik ikoshowere it finok'o imetwe.

24 «Tiyat'rosn fa'a danan de'aniyere oorts jamwotssh, mank'owere ik ikwots Shed'ani ayidek't ááshts keewe bo etirwi shuutso sha'eraniye oortswotssh k'osh kuro itats kuriratse, 25 b́ wotefere taa twafetsosh it detstso kup'shde'er deshde'ere. 26 Da'adek'etwosh t fino finefetsr b́ s'uwaats b́borfetso kup'itwosh ay ash naaratse bí alituwok'o woshitwe, 27 Bri gúmbonowere boon keewitwe, shali k'ac'ok'owere boon k'ic'de'er k'arintsitwe, alanwere taa t nihoke tdek'tsi naarok'oyiye, 28 Dats gatsi k'enonowere bísh imetwe.

29 «Shayiro Ik' moowwotssh bíetirwo waaz detstso shiye!» etfe err guud'e.

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