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Iyesus doo shishiyo bodaniytuwok'o b́danif shabe gitwotsi b́wooshtsok'o

1 Maniyere okoon doonzo, shabe git ashuwotsi galbdek'i, bí amoosh b́gawts kitonat beyok jamok shin shino bo ametuwok'o git gito woshdek't b́woshi. 2 [~1~] Hank'o boosh bíeti, «Hamb, kakwet mááyo aye, mááy kakuwi fintswotsmo kos'nee, mansh mááy katso doonz mááy kakwitwotsi mááyko'iyosh b́woshitwok'o k'onwere. 3 [~2~] Eshe ameree, hamb, mereerikok'o iti elahi dagots twoshiri, 4 [~3~] It werindosh eegor deshdek'k'ayere, gizi borsonor, k'arc'itonor, c'amonor b́ wotiyal deshdek'o k'ayere, ashonton jam aateyoke weerindatse need'ar aawo ili k'ayere. 5 It kindts maa jamotse shin shino ‹Jeeno mansh wotowe,› erere, 6 Jeen shunts asho maa manitse fa'e wotiyal it jeeno bísh bodetwe, maniyalbako it jeeno it maants k'ay aanitwe. 7 [~4~] Finiru ashosh damozo bísh geyife, mansha it kindts mootse itsh t'íntsetso mafetsr uyfetsr beewere, ik mootse keer k'osh moots gúúŕ k'ayere. 8 Aaknor wotowa kitots it kindor ashuwots itn bo dek'or itsh bo t'intstso moore. 9 Kit manitsi daatset shodetswotsnowere kashiwore, ash jamoosho were, ‹Ik'i mengstu it maantsan t'inraniye,› err keewwere. 10 Ernmó kit aawitsor it kindor ash ashuwots itn dek'o bok'azetka wotiyal kit man jebats keder boosh hank'o erere, 11 [~5~] ‹Hambe, dab notufatse fa'a it kitutsi k'undo itsh tebk'rirwone, ernmó Ik'i mengsto it maants b́ t'intsok'o dan de'ere.› 12 [~6~] Angshi aawots kit maniyere Sedom kituats weet fayo ketefe etirwe itsha.»

Aman k'azts kitwotsi
(Mat. 11:20-24)

13 [~7~] Manats dabt Iyesus hank'owo bíet, «Indowe neesha Korazine! indowe neena Betesayido! ititse finets aditswots, T'irositsnat Sidoniytse finere wotink'e manoke fa'a ashuwots shiyani taho tahde'er tuulats bede, naandrone etank'ne. 14 Manshe angshi aawots itiyere T'irosnat Sidonats fayet fayo ketefee. 15 [~8~] Neewere K'frnahome, darots n borfetso dambaan tuwo geefneyá? Beree si'olits oot'etune.»

16 Aaninwere Iyesus b́ danifwotssh, «Iti k'ebetwoniye taano k'ebetwe, itsh k'aztso taano k'azre, taan k'aztso taan woshtsoniye b́ k'aziri,» bí eti.

Shabe git wosheetswots boon woshetsoke aanat bowatsok'owo

17 Shabe git wosheets b́danifwots boon woshetsoke aydek't gene'uwat bo aani, Iyesusokowere t'int́, «Doonzono! n shúútson dab Fo'erawwots noosh alernee» bo et.

18 Iyesuswere boosh hank'owo bíet, «Shed'ano darotse guumok'o shap'eyat b́ fed'efere bek're, 19 [~9~] Eshe hamb! dawuzonat ok'olshon it net'etwok'o, balangari ang jamo it da'itwok'o itsh alo imre, itats gondo bets falitwo ik jago aaliye. 20 Ernomó it shútso darotsi mezgebíyats guut'etsosh gene'ore bako Fo'erawo itsh b́ aletsosh gene'úk'ayere.»

Iyesus b́gene'útsok'o b́kitstso
(Mat. 11:25-27; 13:16-17)

21 Manór Iyesus S'ayn shayiron gene'uwat hank'o bí et, «Daronat datsonsh doonz wotts Nihono! keewhan s'ekwotsnat dantswotssh aatsat danawwotssh nkitstsotse neen údere, ee, Nihono! han k'alo n shuno wotere.

22 [~10~] «Jam keewo t nihoke taash imere, naayo koni b́woto nihoniyere okoon konwor dantso aaliye, mank'owa niho koni b́ woto naayo niye okoon wee naayo kitsosh b́ geyirw ashoniye okoon k'osho konwor danetwo aaliye.» 23 Maniye okoon Iyesus b́ danifwots maants wongr ett aanat bo aalsh hank'o bí eti, «It it bek'irwan bek'irowots derekne. 24 Arikon ay nebiyiwotsnat naashwotsn it bek'irwan bek'osh tewntni bo teshi, ernmó be'aatsno, it k'ebirwanor k'ebosh tewntniye botesh, ernmó shiyatsne.»

Maac' k'ewets Semari dats asho

25 [~11~] Ik aaw Muse nemo daniyf iko Iyesusok b́weyi, bín fadosh geeyat «Danifono! dúre dúri kasho daatsosh eeg k'alo taash geyfa?» ett bíaati. 26 Iyesuswere «Nemotse guut'etso eebi? n nababor bítse aak'owe n t'iwintsi?» bí et.

27 [~12~] Ashmanwere «Nemonmo ‹Doonzo Izar Izewernehe n maac'i s'eenon, n kashok'o, ni ang s'eenon, n nib s'eenon, shune,› ando mank'owa k'osh asho n tokok'o wosh de'er shune» etfe bí et.

28 [~13~] Iyesuswere «Arikon aniyirne, eshe nee man k'aluwe! dúre dúri kashone daatsitune» bí eti.

29 Muse nemo daniyfonmó b́ tooko kááw asho woshosh geyat́, «Wotowa eré t mashmó kone bí?» ett bíaati.

30 Iyesuswere hank'o ett bísh bíaaniy, «Ash iko Iyerusalemitse kesht Iyariko maants oot't bí'amfere weerindatse bik'fwots daatsdek't b́ taho bí'atse kishdek't, jot' isht k'irosh kasho b́ k'as'fere juuk'rat k'az boami. 31 Kahhini iko dingatoń werind mann bí'amfera b́ teshi, jot' dek't juuk'rets ashman b́ bek'tsok'on eegor bísh b́k'alrawon ashman nad't k'azbiami. 32 Mank'o Lewawiyo werindmann b́ beshefera b́tesh, bíwere ashman b́ bek'tsok'on eegor bísh b́ k'alrawon k'osh werindon beshat k'azbí'am. 33 Semriya eteets dats ashonmó man weeron b́ beshefere ashman maants wáát, bín b́ bek'tsok'on bísh maac'o b́ k'ewi, 34 [~14~] B́maand t'int zeyitonat weyiniwon dutsets biro b́ gaawmanats b́ kuut'i, tahonowere bíats s'as'dek't tipb́k'ri, maniye il b́ took dazats bezdek't ib ibuwots k'eef mook dek' bíami, manoknowere sheengshdek't b́ duguní. 35 Yatsok'on git dinariwotsi kishdek't ibi k'ey maa man doonzsh imt ‹Ashaan sheengshde dugunowe, k'osh gizo nkishiyalowere ti aanor neesh dashetwe,› bí eti.

36 «Eshe, keez ashaanotsitse, biik'tswotsn togeyat dihts ashmansh b́ mashi bísh wottso aawi arefa neesha?»

37 Muse nemo daiyfonwere, «Bísh maac' k'ewat bín tep'tsmaniye,» ett bí'aaniy.

Iyesuswere «Eshe amee, neewor mank'o k'alwe!» bí eti.
Iyesus Martanat Mariyamn mootse

38 Iyesus b́ danifwotsnton weerindo amfetst gál ikuts bodb́wtsi, manokno Martay eteets mááts iku bgal s'eegbdek'i, 39 [~15~] Biwere Mariyami eteets mishu detsfa btesh, Mariyami eteetsman Iyesus tufi shirots bedek'at b́ danirw dano bk'ebiri. 40 Martamó mish k'ac'on aydek't bmawufera btesh, mansh Iyesus maants t'iinat, «Doonzono! t mishhan fin jamo tiats k'azbk'rere bek'fetsat s'k niet eegishe? Oona neesha taash b dabitwok'o bish keewwe!» bi'eti.

41 Doonzo Iyesusmó hank'o ett bish bí'aaniy, «Marta Martaye, nee ay keewone n kic'iri, ay keewonowere gondo nbek'iri, 42 Ernmó geytwoniye ik s'uzee, Mariyamwere k'ants keewo galdek'raniye, bínowere biyatse konwor k'a'udek'etwo aaliye.»

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