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Iyesus b́danifwotssh Ik'o b́k'ontsok'o
1 Iyesus han b́ keewiyakon daromaants b́ tooko tuzdek't s'iilfetst hank'owa bíet, «Nihono! hamb, sa'ato bodre, n naay neen b́ mangiytwok'o n na'o mangiwe, 2 Ni imts jamwotssh dúre dúri kasho b́ imetwok'o ash jamwotsatse alo n imtsoshe. 3 Dúre dúri kashonwere n s'uzi ari Ik'o Izar Izewernat n woshtso Iyesus Krstosi danoniye. 4 Taa taash n'imts fino s'eentsat datsanatse neen mangire. 5 Nihono! datsan bíazeftsere niyoke t detsts mangon taan andoor niyoke mangiwe.

6 «Datsanatse gaaldek'at taash n imts ashuwotssh koni nwotok'o kitsre, booye niknee boteshi, neehe boon taash imrne, boowere ni aap'o kotdek'rne, 7 Taash nímts jamo niyokik b́ wottsok'o bo and danrnee. 8 Taash nimts aap'wotsi boosh imre, boowere t keewre k'ebdek'rne, niyoke keshat twaatsok'onowere arikon danrnee, nee taan n woshtsok'onowere amanernee.

9 «Taa tk'onir bo jangoshe, taash nimtsanots nik bowottsotse bo jangosh k'onirwe, datsush k'onratse. 10 Tik wotts jamo nike, nik wottsonwere tikee, taawere boatse tuutson mangree. 11 Taa haniyakon datsanatse beeratse, bomó datsanatsikne. Taaye nmaants twooniyee, S'ayin nihono taash n'imtsanots nokok'o ik bowotishe taash n'imts nshúútson boon kore. 12 Taa bonton t teshor taash nimts n shúútson boon kotre, taahe boon kotre, mansh mas'aaf S'aynotsitsi aap'etso b́ s'eenetwok'o t'afi na'oniye oko konwor boyitse t'aftso aaliye. 13 And taa n maants t wooniye, datsatse befetsat han boosh t keewir t gene'o boon s'een b́wotitwok'owe. 14 Taa ni aap'o boosh imre, taa datsanatsik wottk'ztsok'o boworu datsatsiknaliye, manshe datsan boon b́ shit'i. 15 Gondatse boon n k'otetwok'owa bako datsatse boon n dek'etwok'o neen k'onratse. 16 Taa datsatsik t woterawok'o boowere datsatsiknaliy. 17 Aron boon S'ayntswe, ni aap'onu aree. 18 Nee taan datsan maants n woshtsok'o taa boon datsan maants woshere. 19 Bo arikon S'ayn bowotitwok'o taa bo jangosh t tooko S'ayin woshitwe.

20 «Bo aap'o k'ebdek't taan amaniru jamwotssha tk'oniri bako, bos'uzsh k'onratse. 21 Taawere t k'onir jametswots ik bowotitwok'we, andoor nihono! nee tiitse nbeyok'o taawere niatse t fa'ok'o, boowere noon bobetwok'o, nee taan nwoshtsok'o datsan b́ amanitwok'owe. 22 Noo ik nowottsok'o boowere ik bowotitwok'o, taash n imts mango boosh imre. 23 Taa t k'onirwo taa boon neewere taan n wottsok'o boowere b́ jamon ik bowotitwok'owe. Mank'owere taan nwoshtsok'onat taan nshuntsok'on bonowere nshuntsok'o datso b́danishe.

24 «Nihono! Datsan bíazeftsere taan nshuntsotse taash n'imts mango bobek'etwok'o taash n ímtsanotswere taa t beyoke taanton bo beyo shunfee. 25 S'ayin nihono! datso neen danatse, taamó neen danfee, hanotswere taan nee n woshtsok'o danrnee. 26 Taan nshunts shuno booke b́betwok'o taawere boats twotitwok'o, boowere neen bodanetwok'o woshre, ando aani bodanetwok'o woshitwe.»

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