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P'awlos woshets wottsok'o k'osh woshetswotsoke b́daneetsok'o

1 [a] Tatse awd natoniyere hakon Bernabasnton Iyerusalem maants aanat tiami, Titonowere taanton dek'at amree b́teshi. 2 Man maants tiamwere Ik'o taash kitst b́bek'shtsok'onee. Haniyere shin t fintso wotowa and t fintso dats mec'r wotar b́datserawok'owa etaat Ik'i ash woterawwotssh tnabiru doo shishiyo een een wotts jishirwotssh bo aal aalshe t daniyi. 3 Taanton fa'o Tito Grik dats ash b́wotiyalor gofo bíametwok'o kic'iyeeratse. 4 Ernmó nodagots ááshon mut'at kindts ik ik kootets eshwots gofo bíametwok'o geeyatniye boteshi, ashaanots k'ororosh noyits mut'at bokind Krstos Iyesusn nodetsts s'ayin no keshtso bi'ide'er guutsmots noon aaniyo geeyatniye. 5 Noomó doo shishiyi arikeewo itoke kup'arr b́beetwok'wa etaat dab múk' sa'atoshor ekewotssh da'eratsone.

6 [~2~] Ik'o ash ááwo s'iilr b́bogabogshrawotse, jisht teshts ashaanots koni bowotiyalor bojangosh taa kic'eratse, bo taa t keewiru doo shishiy aap'ats handr keewo eegor dabraatsne. 7 Ik'o P'et'rossh ayhudiwotssh doo shishi adaro b́ imetsok'on taashor doo shishi adaro Ik'i ash woterawwotssh t shishiyitwok'o b́wooshtsok'o bo t'iwintsdek'rnee, 8 Mansh eshe P'et'rosi ayhudiwotssh wosheetso wotar b́finitwok'o woshtso Izar Izewer taanor Ik' ash woterawwotssh wosheetso wotar t finitwok'o woshre. 9 Irok'o araat be'eyiru jishirwots Yak'obnat P'et'rosu, Yohanswere Ik'i s'aaton k'osh wotts fini gowan taash b́ imtsok'o bodantsosh taanat Bernabasnton ik bowoti milikit wottso bok'ani kisho noosh imrne, shiyeyat no Ik' ash woterawwotsok no ametuwok'o boowere Ayihudiyots maants bo ametuwok'o bok'ali. 10 S'uznmó bo dagotse fa'a tuguretswotsi no baterawok'o noosh oona etrne, hanwere arikon k'alosh t geef keewoniye.

P'awlos Ans'okiyon P'et'rosi b́k'eftsok'o

11 P'et'ros Soriyotse fa'a Ans'okiyo maants b́ woor dart b́ teshtsotse b́ shinatsere bín t k'efi, 12 Yak'ob b́ woshts ik ik ashuwots Ans'okiyo maants bowaafetsere shin Ik' ash woteraw ashuwotsitsere amantsuwotsnton towaat mááfetsetni b́ teshi, bo boweyiyakonomó, «Ik' ash woteraw jirwotsitsere amantsuwots gof amo boosh geyife[~3~]» etiru jirwotsn shatt shuutso maants aanat Ik' ash woterawwotsatse b́ galeyi. 13 K'osh ayhudi jir wotts Krstiyaniwotswor ayhudi woterawwotsnton mish móó gond b́wottsok'o aridek't P'et'roskok'o bok'ali, Barnabasworu dab b́ oreraniyere be'eyi darman maants getseyatniye b́ teshi. 14 Bo k'altsan doo shishi arikeewonton ik wotob́k'azo t bek'tsok'on P'et'rossh, «Nee ayhudi wotefetsat ayhudi nemok'on b́ woterawo Ik' ash woterawwots nemok'one n beefoni. Eshe, Ik' ash woterawwots ayhudoyots nemok'on bobetwok'o eegishe angnon n k'aliri?» etaat jami shinatse bín t k'efi.

Ayhudyi wotowa Ik' ash woterawwotsu bokashit amanone

15 Arikon no noshuweyon Ayhudi noona bako morretsk wotts Ik' ash woterawwotsnonaliye. 16 [~4~] Ernmó asho kááw b́ wotit Krstos Iyesusi amanona bako nemo s'eentson b́ woterawok'o danfone, noowere nem s'eentson b́woterawo Krstosi amanon kááw nowotitwok'o Krstos Iyesusi amanerone, konwor asho nemo s'eentsr kááw woteratse. 17 Krstosi amanon kááw wotosh nogeyor no notookon morretswotsi wotar nodatsetka wotiyal eshe, morro no finitwok'o woshirwo Krstosiye eteya? mank'owiyaliye! 18 Taa ttookon t gáákts nemi niwok'owa aani tfiniri wotiyal taa t tookon nemosh alerawo twotok'oniye t kitsiri etee. 19 Ik'osh t beetwok'owa etaat k'irok'o k'aleyon nematse k'alere. Taa Krstosnton jitetsok'o t taawetsotse 20 haniyere okoon Krstosi t gitsotse beeti bako taa t tookon beetk tanliye, and t meets atson t beyir taan shuntsonat taash b́ tooko beshidek't imts Ik' na'o amanon daatsets kashone. 21 Ik' s'aato k'awntsalo oriratse, asho kááw b́ wotit nemo s'eentson b́wotiyal Krstos b́ k'ir datsmec'ra etee.

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