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K'irotse kasho maants k'ay kími jango
1 It it daadonat it morri jangosh it shayiri beyon k'irk itne it teshi, 2 Manoor datsanatsi gond sha'ok'owa it sha'efoni, aaninwere jongatse fa'a shayiri angwotsi keewirwosha it alefoni, bíwere and azazeraw ashuwotsatse finiru kim shayironiye. 3 Nó jametswere haniye shinon bo dagotse no meets shunok'onat no maac' gawirwo shoydek'at sha'at no meets tewnok'o beyaatniye no teshi, k'oshwotskok'o no azeewon Ik' fayi shirotsne noteshi.

4 Ernmó Ik' maac' k'ewo ay b́ wottsonat noosh b́ detsts shuno een b́ wottsatse tuutson, 5 No morron k'irk nowotiyaloru Ik'o Krstosnton kashetswotsi no wotitwok'o woshre, it kashwere b́ s'aatone. 6 Ik'o Iyesus Krstosnton k'irotse tuuzt daritsi beyokoke bínton noon b́beezi. 7 Han b́k'alwere Krstos Iyesusn noosh k'eshdek't b́kiitsts doowonat bínton nutsiyetwo deshawo s'aati gaalo weet dúrwotsitse noosh kitsosha etniye. 8 It it kash imneti weeron wotts s'aatone, manwere Ik' ima bako itokikaliye. 9 Konwor asho b́ id'aawok'owa, kashiyit s'aato b́daatse finonaliye, 10 Noo Ik'o bal b́k'anits sheengo finefetsr nobetuwok'o Krstos Iyesus weeron aaniyi azeets Ik'i aztswots noone.

Krstosn daatset ikwoto
11 Mansh eshe, bal it shwewon Ik'i ash woterawwotsi it teshtsok'o, Ayhdiwots ash kishon gofo boamtsosh it'fetst itsh gof amawwotsi ett boc'ashfok'o, 12 it Israe'el ashuwotsnton gonke deshawwots, Ik'o bí ashuwotssh b́jangitswtsats need'iyets aap'i taarwotssho ib wottswots, datsanatsnowere it jangiru ik keewalonat Ik'alon beyirwots, manorowere Krstosatse wokat it teshtsok'o gawde'ere. 13 Andmó it haniyere shin wokat teshtswots Krstos Iyesusn wotdek'at b́s'atson t'inrte. 14 Noon k'ált teshtso fayi girgido b́meetson gáákt Ayhdiwotsnat Ik'i ash woterawwotsn ik woshtso nojeeno Krstosiye. 15 Git jirmanotsitse bínton ikwotitwo ik handr asho azosh Muse nemi tzaziyonat b́ niwwotsi gaakt jeeno b́woshi. 16 Mask'aliyatse k'irtnwere s'aaleyar beyo k'aaúbazre, gitetswtsnowere ik atso woshdek't Ik'onton maniree. 17 Isa. 57:19 Waatnwere, wokat teshtswotssh itnat karnt teshts ayhudiwotsshowere jeen dooshiy aap'o nabre. 18 Bíyatse tuutson no gitetswor ik shayiron jisheyr nihok t'inetwone.

19 Mansh eshe it S'ayinwotsnton ik datsi ashuwotsnat Ik'i maa ashuwots itna bako haniyere okoon ibonat ashdatsi ashuwots itnaliye. 20 Woshetswotsnat nebiywotsn need'itsats agerte, ageyiru maamansh tungúshatse shutswotse kaatsde detset shúts kup'o Iyesus Krstosiye. 21 Maa eenmanu b́ jamon bín ikok desheyarr doonzo S'ayin Ik' moo wotarr eenetwe. 22 Ik'o b́ shayiron bíts b́ beet moo wotosh itwere Krstosn tohaar ageetute.

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