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Iyesus b́danifuwotsats S'ayin shayiro b́ oorshtsok'o
1 Lew. 23:15-21; Iwi. 16:9-11 P'ent'e k'ost'eyi baaliyi aawa eteetso b́ bodtsok'on bo jametsuwots ik wotdek't ikoke kakuwedek'tni botesh, 2 Gawerawo eegurahi kup'ok'o arts k'aaro darotse b́weyi, bítse bo beyiru moonowere s'een b́wutsi. 3 Taaw laluw artso boats bobe'eyi, kaye kayeyatnúwere bo ik ikotsats k'ot'bodek'i. 4 Jamwotswere shayiri S'ayinon bo s'eeni, Shayiri S'ayinon bo keewituwok'o boosh b́ imtsok'on k'osh k'osh noonon keewo dek't botuwi.

5 Dats jamatse beyir datsatse waatsuwots, Ik' k'onon kup'iru ayhudiwots Iyerusalemitsa bobeefo. 6 K'áármano bo shishtsok'on ayi ashuwots bo ko'eyi, bo took took nononowere bokewufere bo shishtsotse bo'adi. 7 Tek'at adtnuwere hank'o bo eti, «Hank'o keewiru jamanots Gelil dats ash nosha? 8 Eshe no nó took noonon keewo bokeewefere noshishir aawuk'oneya? 9 No P'arteen, Miedn, Elamn, Mesp'et'omin, Yhdon, K'op'dok'n, P'ant'osn, Isiyon, 10 Frgiyoon, P'nfiliyon, Gbs'n, K'eren ganoke fa'úwots Libiyi awurajuwotsitse beyiruwotsiye, Romitse waats ayhudiyotsnat ayhudiwots jiro maantso kindtsowots daatseyiruwone, 11 Mank'owere K'ert'esitsnat Araawi dats ashuwots daatsetune, Hamb jamanots Ik'o een fino nononon bo keewufere shishiruwonee!» 12 Mann jametswots adt bo keewituwo t'ut't iko ikosh «Keewan eebiye k'úna b́wotiti!» bo et.

13 K'oshuwotsmó «Weyiniyon dutsets biri handro úsht mashwutsernee!» eton boon boaatsni.

P'et'ros keewts keewo
14 Manoor P'et'ros tatse ikuwotsnton need'dek't b́ k'aaro eenshdek't ash ashosh hank'o ett b́ keewi, «It Yhud dats ashuwotsnat Iyerusalemn beyiru jametsuwotso, wotts keewan danosh tkeewo k'ewere, 15 Guuron keez sa'ato b́wottsotse it it aasabtsok'o ashaanots masheratsnee. 16 Ernmó han b́wotiye Nebiyiyo Iyu'el hank'o et b́ keewuts keewo b́ s'eenishe,
17 Iyu. 2:28-32 ‹Ik'oniye dúri s'uwi aawots hank'o wotituwe etre,
T Shayiro ash jamats kut'ituwe,
Bo nungushnana'onat mááts nana'uwotsn bek'on keewitunee.
Bo jawetswotswere bek'o bek'etune.
Bo eenashuwotswere gúmo gumetunee.
18 Mank'o, manoori aawumanotsitse
T guuts nungushuwotsnat máátsuwots atsats
T shayiro kut'ituwe,
Bowere bek'on keewitunee.
19 Danbe darotse adits keewwotsi,
Dashe datsatse adits milkituwotsi kitsituwe,
S'atso, taawo, s'uwi s'aawiyonuwere be'etuwe.
20 Eenonat aditso
Doonzo aawo b́waafetsere shino,
Aawo t'aluwituwee,
Aashitsunuwere s'atso arituwanee.
21 Doonzo shútso s'eegetu jamo kashituwe.›

22 «Israe'el ashuwotso! aap'an k'ewude'ere, It it tookon it dantsok'on Nazrettso Iyesus koni b́wottsok'o Ik'o it dagotse b́weeron b́ k'alts een een finwotsi, aditsuwotsnat milikituwots arikon daneewtsernee. 23 Mat. 27:37; Mar. 15:24; Luk'. 23:33; Yoh. 19:18 Bíwor b́ tookon Ik'o shin shino b́ k'anitsok'onat b́dants finok'on itsh besheyat bí imeyi. It were morrgonduwots kishon jiteyar b́k'irituwok'o it woshi. 24 Ik'onmó k'iri angotse farit k'irotse bín b́ tuuzi mansh k'iro bín deshde oriyo falrtsatse. 25 Dawit b́ jangosh hank'o etfe,

Doonzo úni aawo tshinatse bek'iruwe,
T shek'erawok'owere bí t k'ani aaratse
26 Manshe tnibo geneeúwre,
T nononwere geneeúwone s'eene,
Mank'owere tmeetsonú kótón jangáár beetuwe.
27 T kashunowere Si'olitse k'ayk'reratsnee,
N S'ayinonowere dowootse o'or b́ oorituwok'o woshratsnee.
28 Dub. 16:8-11 Kashi weeronowere taash danirne.
Taanton nwottsonowere t geneúwo s'een wotituwe.»

29 «Eshuwotso! yoots nihiwotsitsi iko Dawit b́ k'irtsok'onat b́ duketsok'on, b́ dowonuwere andish b́ borfetso noganok b́ fa'ok'owo kishde itsh keewuna. 30 Dub. 132:11; 2 Sam. 7:12-13 Ernmó Dawit han b́ keewiye Nebiyo b́ teshtsotsnat Ik'o nnaarotse iko n naashi jorats beezituwe ett taaron jangit b́imts keewo b́ dantsotsne. 31 Manatse tuutson Mesiyo Siolitse b́ oorerawok'onat b́ meetsonuwere o'or b́ oorerawok'o shin shino k'irotse b́tuwi jango b́keewi. 32 Iyesusi Ik'o k'irotse tuuzre, no noúnetswor keewansh gaw noone. 33 Ik'o k'ani aaromants beyosh danbaan b́tuwooronat jangiyets S'ayin shayiro Nihoke b́ dek'tsok'on it bek'iruhannat it shishiruwann kuut'b́k'ri. 34-35 Dub. 110:1 Eshe dambaan daromantsan keshtso Dawiti b́ woterawotse Dawiti b́tookon hank'o ett keewre,

‹Doonzo t doonzsh
N balangarwotsi ntufishirots tgerfetsosh
T k'ani aaromants beewe› » etre.

36 «Eshe it itjittso Iyesusi Ik'o Doozonat Mesiyo b́ woshtsok'owo Israe'el ash jamo arikon dan de'e!»

37 Ashuwotswere man bo shishitsok'oon bonibotse ayidek' shiyanat P'et'rosnat k'osh woshetswotssh, «No eshuwotso! eshe and eege nok'aliti?» boeti.

38 P'et'rosuwere hank'o boosh bíeti, «Naandrone erere, it morro itsh orowa eteyish it ik ikets Iyesus Krstos shútson gupewere, Ik'i imtso Shayiri S'ayinono dek'etute 39 B́ jangiyets aap'onwere itnat it nanaúwotssh, no Doonz Izar Izewer b́ maantsan b́ s'eegetu wokoon beyiru jamwotsshe.»

40 K'osh k'osh ay keew keewon gawefetst «K'uur s'oot'anats weet fayotse it tooko kashiwere!» ett boon b́ izi. 41 Boyitse ayuwots b́ aap'tso dek't bogupeyi, manots aawotsowere keez kumok'o wotitwots amantsuwotsats dabebowutsi. 42 Bowere wosheetsots daniyo k'ebon, ikwotde beyonowere, Mishi maratse towaat moonat Ik'o k'ononowere bokup'efooni.

Ik' Amantsuwots Eshu Wotonat Ik Wotde'er Beyi jango.
43 Manoor wosheetsots kishon ayo adits keewonat milikitwots bo fineyiruwatse tuutson jametsatse shato oot' b́wutsi. 44 Wosh. 4:23-35 Amants jamwots ikwotde'erni bobeefon boteshi, Bo detsts keewu jamononwere shira b́teshi. 45 Bo taaronat bo detstso kemdek't b́ gizo jametsosh b́geytsok'on bokayifooni. 46 Aawu aawon Ik'i mootsnowere ik nibona bokakuweefo, bomaa mootsnowere misho tishfetsr geneeúwonat nib sheengona bomaafoni botesh. 47 Doonzonowere bo udefoni, ash jamonuwere boon mangiya b́mangifo, Ik'onuwere kashiru ashuwotsi aaw aawon boyits daba b́dabfo.

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