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Arik wosheets fino
1 Ik'o b́ mhretwon bísh finet finan noosh b́imtsotse maac'o k'ut'r shuuts aaneratsone. 2 Aashtsonat jitsik wotts keewo juuk'rerone, nemi gondon fineratsone, Ik'i aap'ono kooton woniratsone, dab iki ariko sháánatse nokitsiri, notook jangoshmo ash jami nibots Ik'i shinatse ariko keewitwone. 3 No danits doo shishi aap'o dab ááshka wotiyal bíáásh t'afitwotsshee. 4 Datsani keewiru shed'ano amaneraw ashuwots níbo deekk'rere, mannowere Ik'i aron be'eetso Krstos b́mangi dooshishiyon boosh b́sháánits shááno bobea'awok'o b́woshi. 5 Noo nodaniyirwo Iyesus Krstos doonz b́wotonat noowere notookon Iyesus jangosh it guuts nowottsok'oni bako notooko nabratsone. 6 Aze. 1:3 «Shááno t'aluwotse shááne!» ett keewts Ik'o Krstos aron goliruwo Ik'i mango dani shááno noosh b́ imetwok'o b́ shááno nonibots b́ sháánetwok'o woshre.

7 Ernmó jamoniyere bogts angaan Ik'oka bako nok b́woterawotse mangts keewan shali k'ac'ok'o wotdek'at detsdek'rone. 8 B́ kaat kaaton gond bek'o noats bodiruwe, ernmó da'eratsone, ayoto daandirwonee, ernmó maac'o k'ut'ratsone. 9 Giishefoone, ernmó noon shuntswotsi t'ud' danaknone, togeere dihfoone erenmó k'irraknoone, 10 Iyesus kasho no atsotse b́be'etuwok'o Iyesus ats bodts k'iro noatsatsowere jam aawo kurdek'aatniye nogúúriri. 11 Iyesus kasho noats k'irituwanitse b́be'etuwok'o no kashetswots Iyesus jangosh jam aawo beshat noimeyiri. 12 Mansh k'iro noyitse, kasho ityitse b́ finiri.

13 Dub. 116:10 Wotowa eré «Taa amanere, manshe tkeewiri» ett guut'etsok'on, noowere imneti ikman shayiro nodetstsotsene no amaniri, manshowerowe keewirwone. 14 Doonzo Iyesusi k'irotse tiztso Izar Izewer nonowere Iyesusnton b́ tizituwok'onat itntonwere noon b́ shinats b́ t'intsituwok'o danfone. 15 Jaman it t'k'imiyosh wotts s'aato s'eent b́ ooyefetsosh ay ashuwotssh b́ bodtsi taawon Ik' mangosh wotit údo bí ayituwok'owe.

Imnetiyon beyo
16 Mansh no maac'o k'ut'ratsone, úratsi noaro b́ t'afiyaloru gitsitsi no atso aawu aawon handr wotituwe 17 Keet wotts gond bek' andish nodek'irwan s'uu deshaw ayidek't een wotts dúre dúri mango noosh daatsituwe. 18 Noo nokotirwo be'eraw keewoni bako be'eyirwoniyaliye, be'eyirwo andkee, be'erawonmó dúre dúrikoniye.