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Ik' ashuwotsi bín k'eezosh imets izo
1 Eshe taa bonton tohaat Ik' meyitsi eenash wottso, Krstos gond bek'osh gaw wottso, ando shino maantsish be'et mango kayitk wottso, it dagotse beyiru Ik' máá eenashwotsi izitwe. 2 Yoh. 21:15-17 Adaro itsh imets Ik' gizi s'eeno jinere, gizi s'eenmanowere it jinet angnon b́ woterawo Ik'o b́ getsok'on, shunon wotowe, ambarosh k'awnton b́ woterawo finosh it detsts shunon wotowe. 3 Mank'o it naashi shirotse beyirwotsi fiic'de'er kéwon b́ woterawo Ik' giz s'enwotssh sheeng ariyo kitson wotowe. 4 Hank'o it k'aliyal jints eeno b́ be'ewor awaasheraw mangi akliliyo dek'etute.

5 Ari. 3:34 Ando! it jawetswotso! eenashúwotssh alewere, it jamets maac' nefo tahok'o tahade'er iko ikosh finowe,

«Ik'o bog taana etirwotsi k'efitwe
botoko dashan detsetwotsshomó s'aato imetwe» ett guut'ere.
6 Mat. 23:12; Luk'. 14:11; 18:14 Eshe Ik'o b́ etts aawon itn dambaan b́ tuzish Ik' kishi kúp'o shirots it tooko dashan deshere. 7 Bí itsh b́ shiyanirwotse iti kic'iru shiyan jamo bíyats juuk'rore.

8 It detstson beewere,, k'ande'ere! it balangaro diyablos b́ k'ot'etwo geefetst guundiru ééshok'o it gúúratse b́ ananiri. 9 Dats jamatse fa'a it eshúwots han naari gond bek'o bo dek'irwok'o dande'er it amantsats kúp'ar imnetyon bín k'efoore. 10 Muk' gizewosh gondo it bek'iyakon Krstosn dúre dúri mango maants iti s'eegtso s'aat jami Ik'o bí b́ tookon iti s'eenwotsi woshitwe, iti tep'etwe, iti kup'itwe, iti need'itwe. 11 Dúre dúrosh b́ borfetso ango bísh wotowe! amen.

S'uwaatsi jamo
12 Wosh. 15:22 Amanets eshwe etaat t gawirwo Silas weeron woshan k'awnon itsh guut're, itsh t guut'uwere itsh t izirwan ari Ik' s'aato b́ wotok'o itsh gawoosha etaatniye, mansh Ik' s'aatanotsatse kúp'ar need'ore.

13 Wosh. 12:12, 25; 13:13; 15:35-39; K'ol. 4:10; Film. 24 Itkok'o marat'dek'etsu Babilonitse fa'a Ik'i moow jamo itsh t'intsirwane, t naa'yi Mrk'oswere jamo itsh t'intsirwe. 14 Krstiyaniwots shunon it ats atseyo jobeyon jamo aatewere.

Krstosk wotts it únetssh jeeno wotowe.

<- 1 P'et'ros 4